Thursday, November 8, 2007

What in the world...?

What is going on with Roman youth and their pegged jeans these days??? I mean, I admit I rocked the pegged chinos during my 80s preppie phase but it was not nearly as bad as these:

Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me this morning when I saw a kid with baggy jeans (hence adding to the diaper-ass effect, as I call it) that were seriously pegged- safety pins and all! This image is courtesy of Bootsintheoven's flickr page.


Emmina said...

This morning I saw a boy of about 14 dressed like 50 cent. It makes me laugh everytime I see some skinny Italian adolescent who looks like they lost their way on the way to The Bronx and ended up in a residential area of Milan!! Maybe I'm just getting old....

Romerican said...

I hear you, I can't help but chuckle (=

Do the young boys in Milan tweeze their eyebrows into horrifying razor-thin arches too? CREEEEEEPY!

Emmina said...

I've not noticed that, but it does seem like they get fake tans a lot (doesn't everyone?!) - something that you would get beaten up for in England...