Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fumes & perfume

This morning while running, my ipod and I realized something: What's worse than breathing in smog while exercising? Breathing in cigarette smoke (who smokes at 9:00AM?!!) and excessive amounts of perfume from people I jog past. Damn, those ladies sure do douse themselves, I'm surprised they can actually breathe in their own presence! They must spend a fortune on perfume every year...


Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

I hear you on the pollution and perfume front. I do not jog, but I was on the bus with the window open getting a lot of unwanted dirty air, which sadly was better then the vile perfum of the overly done up lady sitting besides me. If they want to wear so much perfume at least by a nice scent!

Delina said...

Why would someone put perfume on before going for a run.

nikinpos said...

Ooh, there was one of those ladies around this morning, unless it was a ghost. I heard her go out the gate, smelt the overpowering perfume a few times on the way up the road, but never actually saw who it was!

Anonymous said...

I get quite ill with perfume. There is a great website called "Skin Deep" Cosmetics are analyzed and given rating on level of toxicity. You wouldn't believe how toxic most perfumes are to the body! I always ask men I date not to wear cologne or after shave. Nothing like a getting a migraine to call the evening off!

Romerican said...

Leanne- I'm just not a fan of perfume in general, especially not in such heavy doses!

delina- well, these ladies were at the park, they weren't running BUT I've been to Roman gyms and nearly choked on perfume fumes in the locker rooms! Italian ladies like getting dolled up to work out, perfume included (instead of deodorant)

charlie- Indeed, the smell lingers like a ghost.... :)

Ms. V- I'm not surprised they're toxic, anything with such an extreme smell cannot be very good for you.

Ann said...

What about the perfume/cologne that I swear smells like bug repellant? I think the stuff smells repulsive, then people smell like they've taken a shower in the stuff.....